As the sun makes ice melt,
kindness causes misunderstanding,
mistrust and hostility to evaporate.
Albert Schweitzer 1875 – 1965
If you want that good feeling that comes from doing things for other folks then you have to pay for it in abuse and misunderstanding.
Zora Neale Hurston
You know, misunderstanding gets us in a lot of trouble. Many times that people say things that they repeat after somebody else, where they misunderstood them. That gets a person in trouble. I believe it would be good for us if we just, well, wait till we understood what we was talking about. Don't you think so? I know it would be for me, a very good for me to find out first and then say it. See? But we're always, seem to be, misunderstood.
Now, to misunderstand is just not to say, "Well, I didn't hear what he said," but to see something done and misunderstand what it's for, that's a--that's you're missing the boat all completely then.
Brother Branham